Celebrate the New Year in style with our New Year spa breaks in the Lake District, complete with hot tubs, log cabins and much more.
New Year Spa Breaks with Hot Tubs
It’s hard to believe we’re already talking about New Year getaways. Especially considering we’re only just taking down the Halloween decorations. Yet, with Christmas fast approaching, November and December can soon disappear within the blink of an eye.
Before you know it, you’re back at work and struggling to find a convenient date on the calendar to book your next holiday. Let alone knowing where you’re going to spend it! Especially, when it comes to those of us that have deadlines to adhere too or need to fit in time off around monthly meetings and such like.
There are some people where fitting in a couple of days off into their work life is as stressful as the job itself. As such, although we don’t have all the answers, it’s worth knowing that our independent Spa Hotels offer a place of sanctuary.
One in which you only have yourself to please. Allowing guests the choice of a relaxing break or the chance to get out and about, exploring nature at its finest.
Celebrate New Year in the lake District
As for welcoming in the New Year, a spa break is a chance to indulge while surrounded by the most idyllic of destinations. Within the heart of Cumbria, the Aphrodites Group have hotels in both Bowness and Windermere.
All our spa suites come with their own private hot tubs, providing you the perfect setting in which to relax and unwind. Yet when it comes to party season, it’s not just about the facilities on offer back at your hotel.
Outside the summer months, the Lake District is often thought of as a quiet retreat. However, make of it as you will. As if it’s a romantic getaway you’re after, then you can sit out on your balcony and watch the fireworks exploding in the distance. Although those of you who prefer a night out, there are a host of events taking place.
We will no doubt feature the more specific things to do within the region over the New Year festivities nearer the time. If you prefer to start planning now, then we’d recommend following local listings for everything from glamorous charity galas to a night down the local pub.
Alternatively, remember to follow us on social media for an last-minute availability, deals or cancellations.
Aphrodites Group Spa Hotels
Are you planning to see in 2022 on the stroke of midnight from your own hot tub spa suite? Maybe even thinking ahead to New Year Breaks in the Lake District for next year? Whatever the occasion, book in confidence with the Aphrodites Group. Providing luxurious suites, log cabins and private rooms at our 3 independent spa hotels in the Lake District.